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Protecta Pro Stretch Lanyard

Avaibility : In Stock


10000 in stock

SKU: PRO1340161 Categories: , , , , ,

Product Description

PRO Stretch shock absorbing lanyards provide high quality compliance at an economical price and incorporate a unique stretchable design. They offer complete freedom of movement while reducing trip fall hazards, dragging or snagging by expanding to 6 ft. (1.8m) when taut and automatically contracting to 4-1/2 ft. (1.4m) in reaction to the worker’s movements. The design is lightweight and provides added comfort and safety. The unique inner core begins to extend and absorb energy once subjected to a fall, and limits the fall arrest forces to safe levels. A built-in impact indicator provides easy visual evidence if the shock has been involved in a fall. All Protecta lanyards feature high strength, durable and corrosion resistant materials to stand-up to demanding jobsites.


Weight 2.6 kg
Dimensions 36.83 x 22.86 x 10.16 cm

130-310 lbs. (59-141kg)


6 ft. (1.8m)


OSHA 1910.66, OSHA 1926.502, ANSI A10.32, Capital Safety Gen. Mfg. Req.


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