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Protecta Pro D-ring Extension

Avaibility : In Stock


10000 in stock


Product Description

Our PRO positioning lanyards provide high quality compliance at an economical price and are trusted by workers. These lanyards are designed without shock absorbers, making them ideal for positioning or restraint applications. The web, rope and chain positioning lanyards are as tough as the guys who use them and feature abrasion resistant construction and high strength materials. In addition, PRO lanyards are lightweight and provide added comfort and safety. Various styles, lengths and hooks options are available to suit your specific jobsite needs.

  • 1.5 ft. (0.5 m) D-ring extension
  • Extends dorsal harness D-ring (or overhead anchor point)
  • Abrasion resistant polyester webbing
  • User friendly self locking snap hook
  • High strength D-ring tie-off point


Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 36.83 x 22.86 x 10.16 cm

310 lbs. (141 kg)


1.5 ft. (0.5 m)


Capital Safety Gen. Mfg. Req.


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