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Comtrain’s Basic Climbing Kit

Avaibility : In Stock



Product Description

Your basic, started climbing kit comes with 4 carabiners, 1 hardhat, 1 harness, 1 y-lanyard, 1 positioning lanyard, 1 cable grab and 1 spreader bar.

1 Elk River Peregrine RAS Platinum Series 67630 harness has an adjustable and removable aluminum bar seat. This series offers six D-rings: one aluminum 70 degree D-ring at back, and two on hips, two aluminum D-rings on seat strap, one steel D-ring on chest strap. For comfort this harness has breathable padding on back/shoulder, waist, bar seat, and leg straps.

1 Elk River Spreader Bar

1 Petzl Vertex Vent Hardhat

1 Elk River’s 35487 Flex-NoPac Lanyard is a 1-1/2″ x 6′ twin leg lanyard made from polyester and nylon webbing. Aluminum rebar hooks are featured on each leg end and an aluminum snaphook connector is at the center. All hooks have a 3.6M gate strength.

1 Elk River’s 34496 positioning lanyard is made from 1/2″ diameter polyester and nylon rope. This 6′ positioning lanyard can easily be adjusted with the attached aluminum adjuster that includes a carabiner. A carabiner with a 1/2″ gate opening is also featured on one end. The 34496 is to be used for positioning only.

1 DBI Sala Lad-Saf X3 Cable Safety Sleeve includes a carabiner, cam and inertial locking system. This cable grab fits 3/8″ (9.5 mm) and 5/16″ (8 mm) diameter, 1×7 or 7×19 solid core cable.

4 The Elk River 17448 is a 1 In. x 4-7/8 In. x 3-1/8 In. with a 1 In. gate opening steel carabiner.


Weight 11.33 kg
Dimensions 38.1 x 38.1 x 38.1 cm
Basic Kit

Carabiners, Hardhat, Harness, Ylanyard, Positioninglanyard, spreaderbar


XS, S, M, L, XXL


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